Electric vs. Manual toothbrushes – Which is BEST for your teeth and gums? Let an Evansville Dentistry EXPERT like Rang Dentistry provide knowledge and helpful information on the similarities and differences! To be completely honest, preference is the deciding factor between electric and manual toothbrushes. Evansville Dentistry says there are no major differences within the overall oral health between the two. Each brush is a great tool to use to effectively and accurately clean your smile, however, there are some differences between the brushes themselves. Plaque-removing abilities Toothbrushes are made to remove plaque from your smile and stimulate your gums to prevent gum disease and tooth decay. While both electric and manual brushes successfully do that, with the evolutionary design and technology of the electric toothbrush, there are some models that have been clinically proven to remove more plaque than a traditional toothbrush, even in hard-to-reach areas of the mouth.…

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