There are a variety of ways and means Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests to fight bad breath on a daily basis.

Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS

Stay hydrated: Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests you drink water all day long. It washes away leftover food particles and the bacteria that can lead to decay, and it helps you avoid dry mouth. Aim for six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day.
Clean your tongue: Residual buildup between your taste buds and the fold in your tongue can affect your breath negatively. Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests to keep your tongue clean by brushing it regularly. You can also find very effective tongue scrapers at most drugstores.
Chew gum: Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests you chew sugarless gum with xylitol keeps your breath fresh while cleaning your teeth. This type of gum stimulates the flow of saliva, which washes unwanted debris from your teeth.
Snack on this: Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests you snack on crisp, fresh fruits and vegetables turn on the flow of saliva and decrease the occurrence of bad breath caused by hunger. When you become hungry, especially when you are on calorie-restricted diets, the acids in your stomach build up and give your breath a nasty scent.

Eat your garnish: Evansville, IN Family Dentist, Alex Rang, DDS suggests to help fight bad breath you should eat parsley is a popular garnish on many of the dishes served in restaurants. Most people think the only purpose it serves is to pretty up your plate. But parsley contains chlorophyll, which is a powerful breath and post-meal romance saver.

If you want to feel completely confident about your breath, give Rang DDS a call at (812) 867-2414 and set up a cleaning. We will make sure your happy, smiling and confident about your oral health. Like us on Facebook for more information.